

(Image courtesy of fastforward.blogs.fortune.cnn.com)

I have been doing a case study in one of my classes on the company Xerox. I do realize the company is not all that exciting and I am not going to bore one with shitty details, but I do want to hit the high point of the case study and that lies solely on the shoulders of Ursula M. Burns, 51, CEO of Xerox. Burns had been with Xerox for three decades before she was named CEO (talk about some employee loyalty) and the first interesting fact is she is the first female Fortune 500 CEO to succeed another female chief executive (Xerox likes a powerful women in charge). The 2nd interesting fact is Ms. Burns is the first African American woman to ever become a chief executive of a 500 company. Congrats Ms. Burns you are one Hell of a Woman. Just a side note: she could buy and sell anyone who reads this post. 11.2 million annually.

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